
Delikanliyi bozsa da Linux ve GNU hastasi arkadaslara oneririm. Yakisir yani. Bilhassa debian kullanicilarina ;)..


Unknown said...

Hello, i read your previous post about the azureus and I'm still all confused about this command line.
—— start javaw -Xmx64m -Xms12m(...)
I picked the above cmd in
where to write ?
Sorry to post here, you seem to know a lot about this issue. I visit a lot of website to try to know a little more about virutal machine... and I just find a lot of command lines (e.g. start "JSC" "%JAVAPATH%\bin\javaw" -Xms128m -Xmx256m) but i don't know where to write it.
I figured out this cmd line i have to write —— Azureus.exe -J-Xmx64m -J-Xms12m(...) in azureus shortcut's "destiny"
i hope you can help me
Ivan de Miranda (